Sunday, November 21, 2010

Evile - Enter The Grave (2007)

This is simply a rip roaring album from start to finish.  This is full on thrash at its freshest.  In the vein of Metallica, Slayer or more recently bands like Toronto-based Rammer, Evile's debut 2007 album is one of the fastest I've heard in a long time.  The double-kicker stomps out ridiculous beats and the guitars chug along at full speed pumping out riff after riff and solo after blistering solo.  Songs like "Burned Alive", "Killer From The Deep" and "Schizophrenia" will leave you breathless with their face-melting solos.  The band also adopts time changes in songs consistently well going from a breakneck speed to a slow outro on a track like "We Who Are About To Die".  Lead vocalist Matt Drake occasionally comes off sounding like Tom Araya of Slayer.  his is not an album to be taken lightly.  I really only took an interest in Evile recently after seeing an interview with them on  During that interview, the UK band mentioned that they hoped one day that they could be up their with the Big Four or that eventually when you went to the club that a band like Evile was as requested as somebody like Metallica.  They have already toured with bands the likes of Satyricon, Megadeth, Airbourne and Exodus.  If Enter The Grave is any kind of indicator, I'd say they are well on their way to the big leagues.  They have a huge sound and leave a lasting impression.  Let's see how their sound holds up 2 years later.  Up next, Evile's sophomore effort, Infected Nations.

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