Monday, December 6, 2010

AIDS Wolf - March To The Sea (2010)

The last time I gave AIDS Wolf a listen it left a bad taste in my mouth.  I thought I'd give them another chance as I'm all for noise-rock, I do listen to my fair share of it but I still just can't wrap my head around what AIDS Wolf do.  I'll give the band credit for stepping up the production value on this album as everything seems less mashed together.  Each instrument is clearly heard and the vocal tracks are much more distinct but it's still the most annoying noise-rock you've ever heard.  Guitars play hammer-on after hammer-on of squeaked high-pitched notes and harmonics and the drums are just sheer chaos and all over the place.  There is a consistency to it all but nothing that would qualify as a traditional song.  Lead vocalist Chloe Lum (a.k.a. Special Deluxe) comes off as a wannabe Karen O. of the Yeah Yeahs Yeahs through her whiny singing and wailing.  The title of the first track on the album, "Teach Me To Suffer", gives the best impression of what's to come.  The album culminates with a final 10-minute long track entitled "Very Friendly" which is by far the least annoying and most accomplished track of the whole lot.  Fortunately the album overall only clocks in at around 24 minutes.  I'll give the band some credit for being fellow Canadians (straight out of Montreal) who are attempting to do something different but I can't foresee this album warranting any repeat listens.

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