Sunday, September 12, 2010

Danzig - Deth Red Sabaoth (2010)

It's been a little while since Glenn Danzig has released an official studio album (i.e. 2004's Circle Of Snakes).  The former Misfits singer, now at the age of 55 (and still sounding amazing vocally), returns with his latest release Deth Red Sabaoth.  In a recent interview with Danzig stated: "I gotta have a heavy guitar; that’s one thing that differentiates the way I produce [as opposed to the way] Rick [Rubin] produces which was very clean, kind of AC/DC-ish guitars and very flat. I like big, loud guitars; heavy guitars."  There is no doubt that that is what Danzig has accomplished with this record.  Deth Red Sabaoth incorporates some of the most saturated distortion I've heard on a guitar in a while along with some blazing guitar riffs, pick squeals, harmonics and ear-splitting solos. While the riffs are not particularly difficult, as a guitar player I appreciate what Tommy Victor has done on this album. Glenn himself plays the bass on this album. It is a great mix of gloom metal songs which the band has been able to perfect over the last 20 years.  Danzig is back and has returned with a fantastic album this year!

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